You just had a baby…Now EAT!

All the FOOD you missed…
While many hospitals are changing their policies and allowing women in labor a wider range of food choices (which is great), most pregnant women reach a point in labor where food is not a priority.
When the body is fully engaged in labor, digestion and even hunger take a back seat. This can lead to a woman going 10, 12, even 24 hours without eating. In the first hour after birth, all that changes! Now, hunger returns and momma is ready to eat!
Pack food in your “go bag” for the hospital. You never know what time of day – or night- you will be giving birth. Sometimes. cafeterias close. Food service in a hospital can be maddeningly slow at regular mealtimes. Being able to choose your first meal is a great feeling.
Many birth centers serve a warm porridge to new moms. It is filling, nutritious and delicious. Filled with warm spices and whole grains. This can be made ahead and brought to the birthplace warm in a thermos, or cold in a cooler and warmed in the microwave. This wonderful recipe was developed by the Birth Center of Boulder.
All the FOODS you missed…
Generally, pregnant women are given advice from doctors, midwives, friends, and the internet on which foods to avoid in pregnancy. These can be delicious and favored foods that mom has set aside for the benefit of her baby. While there are some food restrictions while breastfeeding, most things are “back on the table!” Hooray for that!
One thing to remember, when you are stocking your freezer and pantry in the last few weeks of pregnancy, purposefully plan these wonderful foods. You will be cared for physically and even emotionally as you enjoy the flavors you have sacrificed. You can share this list with your friends and family. Many people love to bring food to new families. If someone is setting up a MEALTRAIN (How to set up a Meal Train® page - Meal Train Help) for you, it is possible to make requests. Don’t be shy in asking for what will make you happy.